Friday, September 30, 2016

More Updates....

Well, I'm home...I spent about twice as long on "holiday" as I had planned but, it was pretty nice and the Little Dragon got to visit with his Daddy so, they're happy too.

I am getting "it" back in gear slowly but surely.  I've in fact just published my first post on Medium.  I'm kind of excited about it.  I had originally written it for a different website but, they wanted me to change my writing style to match theirs and I just wasn't interested in doing that....I thought it was a paying thing but, I realize now that it wasn't.  Anyhow, the article is all about re-learning how to sleep.  Just search Gilly Beans Gems or A Satisfying Sleep Life IS Possible.  I know that is so very UN-user-friendly, I'm sorry, I just can't find anywhere to share it from...except the app and that's on my phone.  I AM tech savvy just not THAT tech savvy....I'll figure it out.  In the mean time, if you make it over and find it please follow me and click the little heart at the bottom so all of your friends can see too.

I am starting up my Young Living Essential Oils business with a little more pep because there is more available for me to tell you about it.  I've ordered some more of my favourites and will probably be posting about them.  BUT!!  I've got some Einkorn Flour that I plan on making some yummy treats with this weekend and will let you know how that goes for sure.  What has flour got to do with essential oils?  Well, Young Living isn't only about essential oils.  It is all about pure healthy living in all areas of your life.  They've got food, cleaning products, health supplements...the list just goes on!  I'm so excited to share them all with you.  I'm off to a Young Living party DIY Beauty Product party tomorrow night so, I'll likely have even more to share.

That's it for tonight.  Plain I know but, lots of exciting things on the way!!

Thanks for sticking around.
