
Ample Sized Treasure:  I was very confused about my life and had no answers but Gillian, I'm so impressed with the reading you did for me. All the things that you drew from this reading were so true and correct. I still get chills when I read over it. I do have to say this was an amazing experience and I'll definitely do it again. I'd recommend you to anyone who's at a crossroad in their life and don't know where to turn or that just have questions. Thank you.
~Melissa C ~ Florida, USA


King Sized Gem:  So ya know you nailed it. Ankle injury was 12 years ago. Right knee was 11 years ago and I have to use a brace. Left shoulder 1 month ago at hockey. But the big one....I was just offered a job doing heavy equipment training on my days off and I'm hesitant on it because of my fear of public speaking. You're amazing.
~Scott N. - Alberta, Canada


Queen Sized Gem:  The achy legs, it's just my ankle pins...I get that if I stand about in one place too long or get cold. Thursday, Friday and yesterday I was doing just that. So it's quite expected. Tummy, hidden dairy ingredients when eating out last few days. I forget to ask, and R** is too shy/polite to ask. So I know it was a dairy reaction. But also, just the crappy emotions I've been holding in of late. Certainly explains why it would feel to you like fish pond sediment. Lol! Love that description. Ha ha!
~Jackie E. - Hapmshire, England


Queen Sized Gem:  So, to the healing and body scan thing. I was indeed suffering from a tension headache, witch usually also manifests in my neck and often my right arm as I am right handed, and so all my painting, scrolling and writing is that arm. So correct and feels a lot freer and looser today. Thank you. That chest and lung heaviness..I get that when in emotional pain. It's weird, as I am rarely even aware of it until it gets soo intense it spills over into either a breathing panic attack, or the tears come. That I believe is a build up of what I unconsciously absorb from other's energies, and even the toxic pollution when I go to town, both the actual  air quality and the general moods and vibrations of unhappy consumerism.  But that back one, well..I think it's been there in the back ground for years. I had a very bothered night, couldn't sleep, don't worry that it's unearthed awareness stuff, I think that's part of the healing process. But I was aware last night how much I fight and maybe even torture myself at night, it's like I'm purposely sleep depriving myself..the shadow me, for want of a better description. I don't think it's totally gone either. Just a thought Gillian..you said it put up a fight and did it even seem as though I was not letting go of it either? Like a very unhealthy romance type attachment? Just asking, as it seemed it came back with gusto, and frankly, I seemed to also embrace its presence. So I need to look at why that is..addiction behaviour comes to mind. Anyway. Let's move on from that. The Pisces thing..I'm not sure on that.
              **side note, I had struggled with this last bit that was mentioned and it seemed to get away from me. I then immediately went back with more healing and other tools to ensure that this was indeed dealt with.  This just shows how time and space are an illusion and each person experiences it differently.  Please be assured that I will never leave you with something to struggle with if I can help it.**
~Jackie E. - Hampshire, England


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