Exciting News in the Natural Health Products world for Young Living Essential oils. As of April 2016 there are 19 essential oils that have been certified by the Canadian Government as Natural Health Products which means that they have been proven to provide specific health benefits and can be given, sold and recommended by anyone who has the proper information...for example a Young Living Essential Oil Distributor like me!!
Here they are! Click the link so that you can see which oils are there. Please keep in mind that these aren't the only products that are offerred. There are also diffusers (I have the teardrop one and LOVE it!) and vitamins and cleaning products that all include essential oils and food!
Here is a video about a few of the things that essential oils can provide relief for. I will do my best to post about each oil that Health Canada has approved as an NHP in the near future.
I'll start with one of my favourites and one that most of you have probably heard about but didn't realize was something for everyday use. Sacred Frankincense. It is truly divine! I personally just love the scent.
~ Boswellia sacra
Used in aromatherapy
Experience Wellness in Body & Soul
• BODY: Sacred Frankincense can be used for minor skin
irritations, cuts, bruises and burns. It can reduce the
symptoms of a cold and cough.
• SOUL: Enhances relaxation by calming the nerves while
acting as a nervine and calmative.
USAGES: Local application, body massage, topical application, sprays
used for topical use, bath, direct inhalation, steam inhalation, compresses
click here for more information
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