So, I am a certified ThetaHealing® practitioner. I have never used it to work on anyone besides myself and those that I took the class with but, never-the-less I am qualified and well versed in the full theory and practice of it. See? (click the link to go to my official ThetaHealing practitioner page, it needs a few updates....) ...also, that's not entirely true. I do use techniques that I learned in class to enhance all of the other energy work that I do but, that's getting down into the nitty gritty of things.
Why haven't I built a business with it? I know many people who have been wildly successful with it. I think that I just don't have the confidence in myself. That said, I use my ThetaHealing training / exercises / techniques / knowledge multiple times daily so, the training has certainly not been wasted.
To me, at it's core, ThetaHealing strips away all the fluff everyday life and gets to the deepest part of you. That place where the beliefs and programs that make you who you are reside. The ones you base your decisions and actions on. These can be beneficial, harmful and it is even quite a regular finding that people have conflicting beliefs at their core. Your beliefs have four different categories. Some beliefs are connected to all of the categories some only one. It changes from person to person as do the beliefs. Your core beliefs can cause all manner of things to happen. The more positive and uplifting your beliefs are the more healthy and successful you will be. Conversely, the more negative your beliefs are the more likely they will lead to just the opposite; failure and disease. ThetaHealing says that any belief no matter how deep or dug in can be changed instantly thus curing the disease no matter how advanced it may be. As a matter of fact the founder of ThetaHealing, Vianna Stibal states that she has cured herself from her deathbed no less than twice. (see more about her here) This really is a very versatile healing modality that can be life changing no matter how you choose to use it.
Of course there are multiple vastly varied benefits to ThetaHealing and each practitioner that you come across will likely take a slightly different approach. It can help to improve every facet of your life. For example if you program the belief "I can fly" into your being then; as long as you believe and are open to all possibilities Will. FLY. Imagine!!
Of course it could take some big work to get there.....or not.
I've run off my original course though. My personal use of ThetaHealing has been to enhance the abilities I already use as well as "fixing" my own beliefs. It's been slow going but, I do the belief work when I notice something that is affecting me negatively....and as I'm sure you know sometimes that's not an easy thing to see.....especially after you do all the "surface stuff" like, "I am open to receiving" , "I only make healthy choices" , "I forgive all who have hurt me" get the idea. I also use it to help me with following my intuition. Every once in a while this will lead to an epiphany. Usually, one of those ones that sets you back on your heels. I know you know what I mean.
Strangely enough (and really totally irrelevant) these "breakthroughs" generally happen when I'm in the shower. ACTUALLY they usually happen in bed but, I can't count them because I immediately fall asleep and forget what the heck I've learned....usually, its' the meaning of life. Really, I've figured that out SO MANY TIMES that I've lost count, trouble is I forget it by the time I wake up....I'm pretty sure the answer I come up with isn't 42 though. LoL.
AAaaaannnywaaay....finding negative core beliefs is not always as easy as doing a bit of "soul searching", in the advanced ThetaHealing classes you are taught a technique called "digging" which is like soul searching fast tracked. For me though, the realization usually jumps up from behind me and beats me about the head a bit, just to make sure I know that it's there. LoL. I do try not to go looking for them unless I get the feeling that I've fallen into some pattern that needs changing (most people call that a rut). Recently, I had a super significant one, I mean it's so big that I can't imagine how I missed it before. The hints were there, in my face all the time; inspirational posts on Facebook, emails that I'm subscribed to, ...everywhere. The correct belief is "I am the only one who can give me direction." Think about that for a second. How powerful is that?!?
I am the only one who can give me direction. Really think on the power of that statement. Think of all the ways you give away that power. Think of all the people, places, things, ideas that you give that power to. That won't happen to me anymore because I am the only one who can give me direction. The same goes for you. Not your partner, not your parents, not your family, not your friends, not your employer, not your pets, not The Creator, not the Universe. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN GIVE ME DIRECTION. Sure, I can take advice or suggestions but, I am the one who decides if and when I'm going to act. I'm not just going to follow along blindly doing the bidding of other people, beings, entities, etc.... I have downloaded the new belief and gotten rid of the one that is no longer needed. I swear I heard the lock click and the cage door open when I did. What a feeling!!
So, I'll leave you with that for today. I hope that you all have a wonderful week.
If you'd like to experience ThetaHealing for yourself please let me know. I know a few people with more practical experience than me that I can recommend. If you'd like to learn it yourself I can help with that too! Of course I can always help you with a session too. Remember to take a look at my other pages. The links are above.
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