Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Feelings - Weekly Reading - Week 4

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to the Year of the Monkey!!  I hope you've all had a wonderful week and weekend.  I've been working on my family tree.  What a crazy bunch of information out there!  Then the different paths to follow....my head is a jumbled mess of names and dates and places.  I even had my Dad's sisters mixed up at one point!!  Anyway, I got so mixed up and engrossed I forgot what day it was.

lol, ever been there?



Let your feelings flow.  Good, bad, ugly, high energy.  Just let it flow.  You deserve to be able to express all of your feelings.  Blocking the release of feelings blocks the flow of energy.  Blocking the flow of energy blocks the flow of blessings.  Blessings = abundance.  Allowing abundance allows you to live the life you dream of.  In summary, blocking the natural flow of your emotions blocks you from living the life you want.  Remember to let it flow and let it go.


Let me explain that a bit more.  If you're angry, express it.  In whatever way you want.  My preferred method is alone in a room beating on the bed.  It is OK if you're the only witness.  If you're happy laugh.  If you're sad cry.  Just don't dwell on it.  Realize the emotion.  Identify the emotion.  Feel the emotion.  Let go of the emotion....and the situation attached to it.  Everything you come up against is part of your path.  Everything.  Where you are right now is exactly the right place to be.

Have a great week everyone~~

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