First of all I trust that everyone either had or provided a beautiful Mother's Day. Such a hard day for some and a wonderful day for others. I just hope that there was something to make it special for you.
Mine was spent much like most of my days....wrangling a three year old. Tonight, before bed (like we usually do) we had a "Dragon Fight". Some kids have stories, we have dragon fights. This (basically) consists of me sitting on the bed and waiting for the Little Dragon to come running and jumping at me, lifting him over my head and throwing him down on the bed and tickling him. There are various different scenarios depending on how much of that silly night time, so sleepy energy he's got going on. The scary part is when he stands there "powering up" (aka scaring the **** out of me because this means he's coming faster...harder....stronger, lol) it's also absolutely adorable. The huffing and puffing and gesturing. This is where his imagination is on full power. There was a period where we had "sticky attacks" which were great because I just got extra snuggles because he'd wrap his arms and legs around me and I'd pretend I couldn't pry him off....the "sticky" came from the wall. (? lol) Tonight was funny (and I can't laugh at these or he'll quit because he gets very self conscious) he got super powered up by his moustache. Apparently, it grows instantly and makes him indestructible. Then he got mutton chops too and it made him indestructibleER and gave him super camouflage (he turned into a pillow).
just imagine that in a little 3 foot tall package ready to run at you knowing you'd catch him TERRIFYING!! lmao |
No, I have no idea where he comes up with some of this stuff. He hears EVERYTHING....except me when I want him to listen.
Oh, I did hear from #1 son too, the Capuchin Monkey (yes, that describes him perfectly. The video below describes our relationship to a T! lol *sigh*). He texted me. I really didn't expect more. I'm ok with it because we have a good relationship and I value that over a once a year outpouring of affection (not that I would turn down presents!)....also, it helps that I know if he could do more he would. He's a darn good kid when it comes down to it.
***he's the monkey (ok, this is a gibbon but, you get the idea) and
I'm a tiger but, most of the time if felt like two (or more) of
him and one of me...again, you get the idea! lol
He must have been warming me up for the Little Dragon!***
As I was saying it's been quite a week hasn't it?!? We've been renovating and good progress got undone and the cost skyrocketed because we were given the wrong information by employees of a certain store that supposedly provides "expert" advice. One of these so-called experts told us that YouTube has lots of information on how to install a heated floor and then tile over it, we should find some and watch them. Yeah. Wow. That was the GOOD advice. So, we are back to where we were a week ago and somewhere over $700 added onto the final tally.
I've also been quite engrossed in the Fort McMurray wildfires. I worked up there for nearly five years and have many people that were like family that are (not now of course) still up there working so, it hit very close to home for me. Seeing all of those places that I'd been on tv engulfed in flames was a frightening thing on tv. I just can't imagine being there and don't really want to. Having said all that, if you've been following and are in a position to help here is the link to the Red Cross Donation page set up for that specific tragedy. Imagine a city of 80,000 evacuated with no fatalities (save one horrific accident that involved someone fleeing). Last I heard was there there were over 1600 structures lost. Many of them of those may my my Little Dragon's father. The important thing is that everyone is safe now.
Ok, on to happier things so that I don't get caught up in that energy again.
I am now a certified FairyOlogist! So exciting!! I am amazed at the things that have happened in just the short time since I started taking this course. It really is amazing. I feel so much more connected to the ebb and flow of life. I'm loving it!!
Now, for the weekly message....
Nurture Nature
Every being, object, particle that ever did or ever will exist has a purpose that is known to it at the very base of its Knowing. The best way to help someone/something to reach their greatest potential is to nurture its basic nature. This part of the message is mostly for people that have or care for children be they two or four legged, furry or walking upright....and lets not forget those that are water bound, four legged and not furry or fly (you get the idea) Spend some time watching and learning about them. What makes them happy, what drives them, what is their passion. Then help them grow into the people they are supposed to be, meant to be by encouraging strengths, strengthening weaknesses, resolving conflicts and helping to heal hurt feelings. The young are the most delicate emotionally and should be treated that way in order for them to grow into strong and self assured adults.
The other part of this message is similar at its root but on a different scale. You are asked to take care of the earth. Find a way to do this be it collecting garbage while out on a walk, recycling, starting an organization to promote healthy choices.... Whatever you are called to do, if it is something to help healthy, happy, "environmentally friendly" growth then you will be encouraged and supported from all directions in your efforts. All you need to do is get started.
(this was a Universal Fairy message by the way)
I've made a few changes to what I have to offer. Please go take a look at the GillyBean's Healing Gems page. There's quite a bit of new information there. I have some Testimonials posted now too. If you've had a reading from me in the past go ahead and comment on that page or email me at GillyBean at GillyBeansGems dot energy with what you would like or are willing to have me post on that page because I'd love the shout out! and I'll get it up there ASAP.
Oh! I have a newsletter too! Lots of stuff going on!
That's it for now though. Thanks for stopping by!! Have a fantastic week!
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